Events in the month of World Chagas Disease Day 2023

03 April - 01 January 1970


Events in the month of World Chagas Disease Day 2023
(This list of events will be updated periodically)

Por una infancia libre de Chagas Congénito. Cómo lograr interrumpir la transmisión maternoinfantil
Webinar for communicators and journalists on how to interrupt mother-to-child transmission of this neglected tropical disease. Participants: Chagas Global Coalition, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), DNDi, ISGlobal, Fundación Mundo Sano, CEADES and Cuida Chagas.
Date: April 12th ⏰ 08:00 h
Venue: Ciudad de México, México
Language: Español y Portugués
World Chagas Disease Day: Integrating Cardiac Services Into Primary Care
Webinar organized by WHF together with the Argentine Society of Cardiology on the eve of World Chagas Day. It explores how we can provide appropriate training to primary care workers to improve cardiomyopathy management, expand access to basic diagnostic tests, and work to improve referral pathways to essential cardiology services.
Date: April 13th ⏰ 16:00 CET
Venue: (Virtual)
Language: Spanish (English translation available)
Arquitectura y salud: Una alianza para el control de la enfermedad de Chagas
Webinar in commemoration of World Chagas Disease Day, organized by the Center for Research for Health in Latin America (CISeAL), in collaboration with the Vice Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), the Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute at Ohio University (ITDIOU), and also with our coordinator  in the Chagas Global Coalition.
Date: April 14th ⏰ 10 h (Ecuador)
Venue: (Virtual)
Language: Spanish
4° Conversatorio de Comunicación y Chagas: Escenarios de comunicación digital
This World Chagas Disease Day, join the conversation with the Chagas National Program, the Ministry of Health of Argentina, the National Institute of Parasitology “Dr. Mario Fatala Chaben” and the group Â¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas?. You are invited on Friday, April 14 to continue thinking, talking and discussing collectively everything about Chagas.
Meeting number: 2535 855 5702 Pass: @MSA111
More information: /
Date: April 14th ⏰ 9:30 (Argentina)
Venue: (Virtual)
Language: Spanish
III Webinar de Chagas en Japón por el Día Mundial del Chagas: Avances y desafíos para una atención integral
Chagas en Japón organizes this webinar, with the participation of Mrs. Kobashikawa, President of the Asociación Nipona de Afectados de Chagas (ANACHA), Dr. Ebisawa, specialist in infectious diseases at Kobe Hospital, Dr. Yoshioka, researcher at Nagasaki University and Dr. Moriya, a primary care physician.


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